Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Caretaker Letter

Murt thought it would be hysterical to write a caretaker letter for the person who had abducted Trenton Duckett.  He spent weeks on the true crime forums posting countdown dates until January 12, which he stated was the date that Trenton would be returned to his loved ones.  How does one even begin to explain the unnecessary trauma and heartache that was caused by William Murtaugh to this family?  Why would anyone lie to the family of a missing child or to those who were following the case using false hopes all because this madman wanted to get attention for himself.  Below is the Caretaker Letter that Murt posted and what eventually resulted in Mike DeForest coming to his home to interview and ask him what inside information he had.  To which Murt exclaimed that he had no inside information and was only posting it because he thought it would draw out the abductor.  It was "ill advised" and Murt will use this excuse years later after his involvement in the Caylee Anthony case.

The Caretaker Letter
To Trenton’s caretaker
Hello my friend:I now know why Melinda trusted you to take care of Trenton.
I know that you are monitering the discussion forums.
You know time is running out.
Listen to your soul mate. Things are going to work out.
It is time to return Trenton to his family.
Take Trenton to the larger hospital or take Trenton to the fire station on the main road near your place.
Do it now.
Do it while you still can.
If you need help, contact me. You know how.


MURT said...

I took full responsibility for the above letter. There were a number of people who wrote similar letters during the year this was originally published.

The child has been missing for exactly 7 years. The case remains open and unsolved.


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