The Angry Giant
Essay by Murt
"I fear all we have done is awaken an angry Giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
It is the future, days weeks, months, perhaps years have passed..
It is evening and the adult is getting ready to watch the spelling game when the little boy walks in, his sub-conscience sound asleep dreaming the mind pictures the little boy is sending him, the happy, carefree thoughts of a young child at play.
The child liked the spelling game, it had a big wheel made funny noises.
The tv had a picture of three people behind a podium that had big numbers on them. Each of the people would spin the big wheel and it would make the noise. There was another man who did a lot of talking and a pretty girl that would stand in front of boxes that would spell different words on them. The people behind the pidiums would spin the big wheel with numbers and some words he did not understand on it.
The talking man said "The next catagory is a name." and the bright square boxes came onto the tv.
The man said to a lady behind one of the podiums that she was first and the lady spun the big wheel. It made the wirry clicky noises as it went around and around going slower and slower untill it stopped on a number
3 with three zeros after it. "Give me a T" the lady said.
The pretty lady waved her hands at the spelling boxes as three boxes lit up "you have 3 t's" the talking man said as the t's appeared in the three lighted boxes. The boy giggled. He liked the noises the boxes made when each letter appeared.
In the recess of his mind, the giant stirred, something was disturbing his sleep. The giant would stirr when something bothered it. There was the time the adult was looking at a sign on the wall of the big store they went to to get food and things. The adult had a scared look and the child looked at the sign to see why the adult was scared. He saw himself in a picture on the sign. "Me" he said aloud, and the giant had stirred.
"No, the adult said, not you. " and led the boy away. After a long long time, the giant went asleep and forgot about the sign.
The boy never went to the big store with the adult again. The adult would put him in the big room with no windows and a lot of toys and go to the store. In fact, the boy would never go anyplace with the adult and the boy had no friends to play with.
He remembered once that he used to go with a lady with a painted arm to a place with a lot of children. The lady called him a name. It is a name the adult did not call him. He had a different name. He tried to think of the name the lady called him. It started with a t. He could not remember, it was a long time ago.
He looked at the tv again. The adult was in another room doing something. The adult always made something to eat while watching the spelling show or would go over to a nearby desk that had another tv on it.
This tv had this thing in front of it that the adult would play with, pushing all the buttons on the thing. The adult would also move a little thing with a wire coming out of it. The adult called it a "mouse" but this mouse had no feet or whiskers.
The adult told the boy to stay away with the tv with the mouse. It was an adult toy.
The lady behind the podium said " I would like to spin please" and the pretty lady made the big noisey wheel go around again, making the clikey clickey sounds. The big wheel stopped and the lady said "Is there an n?"
One of the boxes lit up and an n appeared as the talking man said "you have two n's." He then said "Would you like to solve the puzzle or spin again."
The giant stirred again, something was bothering him. The boy was sending him words and pictures of another memory. It was the boy looking at the adult watching tv. There was a blond lady talking. She was asking someone a question. A voice would answer but there was nobody there. The blonde lady sounded mad. She kept asking questions. The voice would answer and the blond lady kept looking mad and moving her hands.
The boy noticed the look on the adult's face. The adult looked scared.
The adult turned and saw the boy looking at the tv. The adult changed the channel. It was a cartoon. The boy liked cartoons. This had caused the giant to stirr again, longer this time. It would be a long time before the giant went to sleep again.
" I would like to spin please." The wheel spun again and landed on another big number with 3 zeros. The lady thought for a moment, a little smile came over her face. She said" is there a d please.
One of the word squares lit up and a d appeared. There was a loud noise in the other room, the adult had dropped something. The giant started to come awake, the giant was groggy.
The boy was remembering a time when the adult was doing something on the other tv.
The adult was pushing all of the buttons real fast and moving the mouse around on the round pad it sat on.
A picture of a little boy came on the tv with a lot of words on it and a name. The boy frowned as he did when he was trying to solve a puzzle. He tried to solve the spelling game puzzle but they always used big words.
The letters on the big tv started to float around in his mind. In his mind the letters that were on the spelling game would light up on the other tv. There were other letters that did not light up but were there.
The boy was confused. It was a name, a familar name. He had heard the name but could not remember where.
The adult had not seen the boy watching the adult tv. Soon, the adult did something with the mouse and the picture changed. The giant contined to awaken. Somewhere deep an ember came to life. Something started to bother the giant.
The noise of the wheel caught the boy's attention again. While the boy was thinking, the lady asked to spin the big wheel again. He watched as the wheel got slower and slower. It started to get real slow near a part of the wheel that had the word bankrupt on it. He knew that word because the wheel would stop there a lot. If the person spinning the wheel had a number on the podium when the wheel stopped on that word, all of the numbers would go away. Someone else would then get to spin the wheel.
The wheel got real slow, it was going to stop on "bankrupt" but no, it clicked one more time stopping on a small number with two zeros after the number. The lady looked real happy. She paused, then said "Is there a K please?
The talking man said "yes there is a k and one of the spelling boxes lit up and the k appeared.
The giant suddenly woke up as the boys mind lit up the letters in his mind. The boy began to get scared. The letters were spelling words he had heard some place. The lady who took him to play with the children while she went someplace used a name that started with a t.
Time began to slow as the boy started to remember things. He remembered a silver car with a big door on the back. He used to sit in the car with the big door and look at the lady with the drawings on her arm as she pointed a long stick, a rifle, the adult called it once. A name started to come into his mind. A name he used to call the lady...Mommy.
The lady on the tv said. "I would like to spin again" and the invisible people who used to make loud noises got real excited. The lady spun the wheel, the wheel made the clickey noises. The wheel began to spin.
More memorys began to come alive in the boys' mind. There was a big park with a lot of water. There were a lot of adults around. They were saying something to the boy. Happy Birthday....and used a name. It was a name the boy had heard before.
The wheel started to spin slower.
Another memory, the boy and the woman with the painted arm were riding in the silver car. They were at a little restaurant on a hill. There was this nice lady looking him. She reminded him of....of....Daddy's mom.
The ember in the giant grew larger and hotter, the giant was now wide awake and getting upset.
The big wheel was spinning slower.
Another memory. It was a room full of toys. An adult man and woman were smiling at him. The man was putting a toy train together.
The wheel was spinning slower now.
Another memory.
The adult was wathcing the tv were other adults were talking. There were a lot of pictures on the tv. People with dogs were walking in a field.
There were a lot of police cars. There was a man in front of a house. He frowned again, he remembered, my house, that is my bedroom window. I used to see my window when......Mommy parked her car. Mommy?
A picture of the lady came on the tv, she was wearing a dress, looking at the ground...Mommy?
The big wheel was almost stopped, it was near the word "Bankrupt." Would it stop on bankrupt again?
Another memory.
A lady with black hair was talking to a man in a box next to her. He said a word "suicide." The boy had asked the adult "what does suicide mean?" The adult looked at him. The adult was scared, real scared. He remembered the scared look when the adult was driving and passed a big red sign with white letters. There was a noise and both the boy and the adult turned their head to see where the noise was coming from.
It was a really big truck and it was moving real fast. The adult looked real scared and made the car move real fast.
The big wheel had stopped, The boy looked at the tv. It was on a big number again. Three zeros. The invisible people were making a lot of happy noises The lady was happy, the talking man was smiling. The pretty lady next to the spelling boxes was clapping her hands and smiling. The spelling boxes, there was something about the spelling boxes.
Another memory, a big memory. The ember in the giant suddenly turned into a flame. A flame that grew hotter as the memory worked it's way through the boy's mind. The name, he remembered the name. It was his name.
Other memorys entered the boys mind. The flame grew hotter. The innocent smile on the boy's face began to turn into a frown. The giant was getting angry, The fire was getting real hot. The boy was getting real warm.
The adult was just entering the room. Time was still going slow.
The lady said "I would like to solve the puzzle"
Suddenly the boy turned to look at the adult. The adult froze. Before the adult stood not a little boy, who had been a happy boy without a care, just being a boy, but a giant, an angry giant.
The eyes of the giant were blazing red. The face of the giant was crimson. The nostrils of the giant were flaring. The heat of rage coming in waves to strike the adult. The giant's mouth was turned downward in an angry frown. His arms at his side tense. His hands were in a fist, tightly clenched.
That look of anger then hatred on grew on the giant's face. Behind the giant the pretty lady was putting up the letters the lady had not guessed. The talking man said the name...the name....
The giants mind was forming a question...WHY DID YOU???? The fire in the giant was raging now..HOW COULD YOU?? THE flames of anger and hatred grew hotter than the sun...HOW DARE YOU!!...The giant shouted in his mind.
The adult was beginning to shudder, the adult was sweating......OH MY GOD!!!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?
The giant kept staring at the adult, his mind seething with anger and hatred..... and then a resolve, a terrible resolve........retribution.............
"Beware the law of unintended consequences."
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Angry Giant
12:18 PM
1 comment
This is a stolen short story that I never published on the internet. It was stolen off of my pc by a hacker. The administrator of this blog does not have my permission to publish it. This is a work of fiction. It is a hypothetical of what might be the fate of Trenton Duckett.
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